
Tallest Stone 0 0
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The tallest rock in the clearing, which is still not all that tall, is the place where the leader calls Clan meetings from. It is very close to the northern edge of camp. The leader's den is still a work in progress, and will be located just behind the stone. In the meantime, the leader sleeps with the warriors.
Medicine Den 0 0
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Located under a large shrub at the southwest edge of camp, the medicine cat's den is the most sheltered place in the camp. The grass around it is tall enough to form walls, except for where it has been flattened at the entrance, and the floor of the den is bare, rocky soil. There is enough room for a large herb storage and four or five cats.
Warriors' Den 0 0
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The warriors sleep in a place where the grass has been flattened at the east of camp. The space is not at all protected from the weather, but it is built up with dead leaves and grasses and lots of bedding. The warriors are constantly altering the den and moving their nests to improve it.
Apprentices' Den 0 0
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SandClan's apprentices sleep in a place very similar to that of the warriors, and just north of it. The grasses have been flattened and worn away in the center, and the walls are built up with dead plants. The main difference from the warriors' den is that here each cat's nest remains in the same spot, for the most part, and that the entrance is more concealed because it hasn't been worn down as much.
Elders' Den 0 0
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The elders spend their time underneath a decent-sized shrub to the west of camp. This den is also built up with lots of bedding to form a snug little cavern, safe from the elements. There are also a few flat rocks located right next to the den, just the perfect size for the elders to sun themselves.
Nursery 0 0
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Just south of the elders' den is another nice shrub built up with bedding to form a safe place for the kits and queens. The entrance is much smaller than the other dens, and inside is warm and holds a constant, heavy scent of milk. The walls are mainly grass, very messily woven with sticks and such to keep it together, and they have to be re-woven or have sticks added frequently.

SandClan Camp

Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
Thread Locked Announcement  
newBookmarkLockedFalling Contest: Local Lore
Cobalt 0 662 by Cobalt
Jul 10, 2014 23:53:13 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Move your tails, young'uns!
Lem 1 333 by BeardedLady
Oct 23, 2014 6:17:19 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Hanging Out With The Leader
Osprey 3 325 by Star Sweeper
Oct 7, 2014 1:11:33 GMT -5

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Board Description
The SandClan cats have found an area with little blowing sand, and finally have the makings of a camp. Grasses hold the sand in place around the edge of camp, and the center is bare, rocky soil. It doesn't have anything in the way of protection except for a few thorny shrubs, but the designated main entrance is to the southeast. Fresh-kill is left on a flat rock near the camp's center, and there are some other smaller rocks scattered around that are nice to relax on.
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